
Transitions should always be referenced through methods provided by State.

All Transition methods return the Transition object itself so that its methods can be chained.

Method Reference

If(System.Func<bool> condition)

Defines an If transition between states. Performs the transition if the function given as argument returns true.

AndIf(System.Func<bool> condition)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition and the given function are both true.

OrIf(System.Func<bool> condition)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition or the given function returns true.

IfSignalCaught(string signal)

Defines an IfSignalCaught transition between states. Performs the transition if a matching signal is sent through the state machine.

AndIfSignalCaught(string signal)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition is true and a matching signal is sent through the state machine.

OrIfSignalCaught(string signal)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition is true or a matching signal is sent through the state machine.

After(float duration)

Defines an After transition between states. Performs the transition after the given amount of time (in seconds) has passed.

AndAfter(float duration)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition is true and the given amount of time (in seconds) has passed.

OrAfter(float duration)

Adds an additional condition to a transition. Performs the transition if the previous condition is true or the given amount of time (in seconds) has passed.


Defines an AfterOneFrame transition. Performs the transition after a single Update has been completed.

AfterNFrames(int n)

Defines an AfterNFrames transition. Performs the transition after n updates have been completed.

ThenDo(System.Action onTransition)

Defines a ThenDo callback on the transition. Executes the given callback when the transition is performed. Executed between OnExit of the previous state and OnEnter of the new state.

AlsoDo(System.Action onTransition)

Adds an additional callback on the transition. Will be executed after the originally defined callback given by ThenDo.

InsteadDo(System.Action onTransition)

Overwrites the callback on the transition. This callback will be executed instead of the originally defined callback.

Property Reference

Transition With
Returns:The Transition itself.

Used as part of the ReplaceTransitionCondition idiom.