Quickstart Guide

So you want to make a state machine. You’ve come to the right place.

Let’s get started.

We are going to use Unity as our example here, but these concepts should be easily adaptable to any other game engine that uses C#.

First, let’s include Stately and define a simple GameObject script. We’ll need a top-level state. Let’s call it rootState.

using Stately;

public class Cube : MonoBehaviour
  State rootState = new State("root");

  void Awake();

  void Start()

  public void DefineStateMachine()


  void Update()

The designer says she wants the cube to jump when the player is on the ground and presses the jump button. A simple task, with the power of state machines!

State idleState = new State("idle");
State jumpState = new State("jump");

Transform transform;
Vector3 velocity = Vector3.Zero;

void Awake()
  transform = GetComponent<Transform>();

public void DefineStateMachine()

  idleState.ChangeTo(jumpState).If(() => Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"));

  jumpState.OnEnter = delegate
    velocity = new Vector3(0f, 5f, 0f);

  jumpState.OnUpdate = (deltaTime) =>
    velocity.y -= 0.5f * deltaTime;

  jumpState.ChangeTo(idleState).If(() => transform.position.y <= 0f);

void Update()
  transform.position += velocity * Time.deltaTime;

Let’s break down what’s going on here.

State Behavior


StartAt tells a state to use a state as its starting substate. This sets up the state hierarchy. In this case, we wish idleState to be the starting state of the object.

jumpState.OnEnter = delegate
  velocity = new Vector3(0f, 5f, 0f);

OnEnter is a callback which is called when the state is entered. Simple enough. In this case, when jumpState is entered, we want to set the object’s velocity to {0f, 5f, 0f}.

jumpState.OnUpdate = (deltaTime) =>
  velocity.y -= 0.5f * deltaTime;

OnUpdate is, as you might expect, a callback which is called when the state is updated. It takes the time step as the sole argument. In this case, to simulate the effects of gravity, we want to decrease the object’s y velocity by a factor of half the time step on each update tick.

For more information on defining State behavior, check the State documentation.


idleState.ChangeTo(jumpState).If(() => Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"));

ChangeTo designates a transition between two states. In this case, idleState.ChangeTo(jumpState) sets up a transition from idleState to jumpState. Now, what’s all that business past the ChangeTo call?

Each transition requires a condition that will trigger the transition. There are a few different condition methods that we can use, but the most basic one is If.

If takes a method which has zero arguments and returns a boolean. We can use C#’s convenient anonymous function syntax for readability.

So this snippet means that the transition will be executed when the jump button is pressed, changing the active substate of rootState from idleState to jumpState.

Now the designer wants to give the visuals a little oomph. She wants dust particles to appear when the cube jumps. No problem! We can accomplish this with a transition callback.

ParticleSystem dustParticleSystem;

void Awake()
  // ...

  dustParticleSystem = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

void DefineStateMachine()
  // ...

  idleState.ChangeTo(jumpState).If(() => Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")).ThenDo(() =>

  // ...

ThenDo is used to specify a method which should be called when the transition is executed. It is executed after OnExit of the previous state and before OnEnter of the new state.

Why would you use ThenDo instead of OnExit? Simply, if you have one state that branches into two other states, you can define transition-specific behavior depending on which transition is executed.

For more information on defining Transitions, check the Transition documentation.


The designer wants a new type of Cube that has slightly different behavior. This cube should emit lots more dust when it jumps. No problem! Stately has functions to redefine state behavior so you can avoid duplicating code.

public class DustyCube : Cube
  override void DefineStateMachine()

    idleState.OnTransitionTo(jumpState).InsteadDo(() =>

Now 10 times more dust particles will be emitted by the cube when it jumps! Wow!

The designer wants a different kind of cube now. This one should automatically jump two seconds after it touches the ground.

public class AutoJumpCube : Cube
  override void DefineStateMachine()


Now the cube will jump two seconds after entering the idle state! Easy!

This concludes the quickstart guide. You should have a good overview of the concepts you’ll need to build state machines with Stately.

Please reference the class-specific documentation if you are in need of further clarification. I hope you enjoy building software with Stately!